4 Important Things to Look for During a New Home Inspection

What might your new home be concealing beneath its polished exterior? A new home inspection is a crucial part of the home-buying process.

It can help you avoid costly repairs and ensure that your new home is safe and sound.

The purpose of an inspection is to provide you with information about any problems. Then you can make an informed decision about whether to purchase the property.

But what exactly does a home inspector look for? And how do you know if they’ve done their job properly? Here are some important things to look for during the inspection process.

1. The Roof

The roof is one of the most important parts of a home. It protects everything inside from rain, snow, and sun damage.

Part of the home inspection checklist is to get up on the roof and look for damaged or missing shingles. They will check the flashing around chimneys, vents, and valleys on the roof.

They should also check for sagging areas on the roof deck and rotted wood under shingles. If they find any problems with the roof, they will note them in their report.

2. The Electrical Systems

The electrical system powers everything in your home. So when you are buying a new home, make sure the inspector checks the electrical panel box and the ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs).

The inspector will also check for open junction boxes, missing covers, exposed wires, and overloaded circuits. Problems with the electrical system can lead to fires or make it unsafe to use parts of the home.

3. The Plumbing

The plumbing system brings fresh water into your home and takes waste away. It’s important to make sure the plumbing is in good condition before you buy a home.

A new home buyer should have an inspector check for leaks, clogs, and signs of water damage.

The inspector will run all faucets and flush toilets to check water pressure and drainage. They will also look for rust, leaks, or faulty temperature and pressure relief valves. This is because faulty plumbing is messy and can cause water damage to walls and floors.

4. The Heating and Cooling Systems

Your home’s HVAC systems keep you comfortable all year. It’s warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and keeps the air clean.

The inspector will test the heating and air conditioning equipment. They will check the condition of the furnace, AC unit, ductwork, filters, thermostat, and vents.

HVAC systems must get repaired if needed, so they work properly when seasons change. If you need a comprehensive home inspection, contact Quality Home Solutions today.

New Home Inspection: Identify Any Problems Before You Buy

Buying a home is an exciting time! A new home inspection gives you peace of mind that your home is safe and in good shape.

Pay attention to what the inspector reports. If they find something wrong, ask them to explain it so you can understand what needs to be done. A home inspection is a great way to protect yourself from buying a home that has major problems.

For more home-buying tips and tricks, check out the latest articles on our blog!

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